COVID-19 Update July 10

Like the rest of our university campus, our offices are still closed as our staff continue to work from home.

Since March, like all of you we’ve made many adjustments to deal with the impact of the pandemic. Much of our marketing and promotion has moved online, including virtual book launches and other events that were once held in-person.

Our production of new books has continued on schedule, and many of you will have received e-mail notices from us about our new books. Although these e-mail notices can’t replace seeing you in-person at conferences and bookstores, we hope this will be one way for us to keep in contact over the next few months. If you’re not receiving notices of our new books and would like to be, you can sign up here.

Most bookstores have now re-opened, although many are still suffering from the impact of closures during the height of the pandemic. We encourage you to support our friends and colleagues in Canada’s bookstores as they work to rebuild the health of their businesses. Their continued survival is critical to our country’s social and cultural life. Many independent bookstores also continue to deliver books or provide curbside pick-up.

Here’s a map of where you can find the independent bookstore closest to you:

You can still order e-books and physical books directly from our website. Until we are able to re-open our Winnipeg offices, orders for physical books will be shipped from our distributor in Toronto, while downloads of e-book purchases take place the same day.

As Canada begins to gradually re-open, we hope you all stay healthy and safe!

See previously:

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.