Saskatoon launch of Toward a New Ethnohistory!

Last week was the launch of the Keith Thor Carlson co-edited collection, Towards a New Ethnohistory.

McNally Robinson Booksellers hosted the launch, which included Carlson as well as Saskatoon contributors Adar Charlton, Amanda Fehr, Katya C. MacDonald, Chris Marsh, and Colin Osmond.

Ashleigh Androsoff took these photos for the University of Saskatchewan History Department twitter account (@usaskhist) and generously offered to share them with us.

About the Book
Towards a New Ethnohistory engages respectfully in cross-cultural dialogue and interdisciplinary methods to co-create with Indigenous people a new, decolonized ethnohistory. This new ethnohistory reflects Indigenous ways of knowing and is a direct response to critiques of scholars who have for too long foisted their own research agendas onto Indigenous communities. Community-engaged scholarship invites members of the Indigenous community themselves to identify the research questions, host the researchers while they conduct the research, and participate meaningfully in the analysis of the researchers’ findings.

The historical research topics chosen by the Stó:lō community leaders and knowledge keepers for the contributors to this collection range from the intimate and personal, to the broad and collective. But what principally distinguishes the analyses is the way settler colonialism is positioned as something that unfolds in sometimes unexpected ways within Stó:lō history, as opposed to the other way around.

This collection presents the best work to come out of the world’s only graduate-level humanities-based ethnohistory fieldschool. The blending of methodologies and approaches from the humanities and social sciences is a model of twenty-first century interdisciplinarity.

About the Authors
Keith Thor Carlson is Professor of History at the University of Saskatchewan, where he holds the Research Chair in Indigenous and Community-Engaged History.

Adar Charlton is a PhD student at the University of Saskatchewan, preparing a dissertation on placebased identity in northwestern Ontario Anishinaabe literature.

Amanda Fehr recently completed her PhD through the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan on the intersections of religious and political expression during the twentieth century in Ile-a-la-Crosse and the English River First Nation in Saskatchewan.

A settler scholar from Saskatoon, Katya C. MacDonald recently defended her PhD dissertation in history at the University of Saskatchewan on processes of making handmade items and their socioeconomic histories in Ile-a-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan, and Sliammon, British Columbia.

A Calgarian temporarily residing in Saskatoon, Chris Marsh is a PhD candidate at the University of Saskatchewan presently writing his dissertation on North West Mounted Police-Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) community relations from 1886 to 1920.

Colin Osmond is a PhD student at the University of Saskatchewan, examining the changing social and racial conceptions of identity that developed between Coast Salish people and settler societies in the twentieth century.

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.