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Adele Perry is a Canada Research Chair in Western Canadian Social History at University of Manitoba.

Esyllt W. Jones is a history professor at University of Manitoba and is the author of the award-winning Imagining Winnipeg: History through the Photographs of L.B. Foote.

Leah Morton is completing her doctoral dissertation at the University of Manitoba and teaches in the Department of History at the University of Winnipeg.


Sarah Carter teaches in the Department of History and Classics and the Faculty of Native Studies in the University of Alberta. Her most recent book is The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada to 1915.

Pernille Jakobsen is a Ph.D candidate in History at the University of Calgary and a member of the Alberta Law Society. Her thesis is entitled “Bench-Breakers”: Women Judges in Western Canada, 1916 to 1980.

Bret Nickels is an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Native Studies and a Student Advisor with the Aboriginal Student Centre at the University of Manitoba. He is currently serving as Chief Research Consultant in the Natural Resources Portfolio with the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF).

Amanda Nettelbeck is Associate Dean (Academic Standards) for the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide. Her scholarship with collaborator Robert Foster has centered on the rule of law in the comparative histories of Australia’s and Canada’s settler frontiers.

Robert Foster is an Associate Professor in the School of History and Politics at the University of Adelaide. He and collaborator Amanda Nettelbeck are currently involved in a project which is exploring the establishment of European authority on the frontiers of Australia and western Canada.

Lisa Chilton teaches courses in Canadian history, global history and the history of the Atlantic world at the University of PEI. Her research and writing have focused upon British migration within the British Empire, women and gender history, and the reception of immigrants in Canada and in Australia.

Royden Loewen is the Chair in Mennonite Studies and Professor of History at the University of Winnipeg. He is the editor of the Journal of Mennonite Studies and director of the Mennonite History Graduate Fellowship Program.

Joyce M. Chadya is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Manitoba. Her research interests include southern Africa, 20th century Zimbabwe, and African women.

Alison Calder teaches Canadian literature and creative writing in the Department of English, Film, and Theatre at the University of Manitoba. Recent publications include two critical editions of works by Frederick Philip Grove.

Emma LaRocque is a scholar, author, poet, social and literary critic, and a professor in the Department of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba. She is the author of the award-winning When the Other Is Me: Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990.

Lindy Ledohowski is a writer, editor, educator, and governance consultant based in Ottawa. She sits on the Board of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and is an Adjunct Research Faculty member of Carleton University’s Department of Law and Legal Studies.

Heather Stanley is a Ph.D candidate in History at the University of Saskatchewan (B.A. and M.A., University of Victoria). She researches married sexuality during Canada’s baby boom, particularly the relationship between social and medical discourses.

Elspeth Tulloch teaches in the Département des littératures at Université Laval. Her research interests lie in comparative literature (English-Canadian and Québécois; film and literature) and Anglo-Québécois and Western-Canadian Literature. Her approaches are informed by concerns with representation and focus on the intersection of literature with nationalism, government policy, and historical narrative.

Sterling Evans is the Louise Welsh Chair in Oklahoma, Southern Plains, and Borderlands History at the University of Oklahoma. He has research and teaching interests in the history of the trans-national Great Plains, the U.S-Mexican and U.S.-Canadian borderlands, agricultural history, and environmental history.

After practicing landscape architecture and planning with private sector firms in Alberta and Manitoba, Beverly A. Sandalack concentrated in urban design. The Urban Lab at the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary is the physical setting for her research, and she maintains a professional practice through which she attempts to integrate her research with the practical realities of contemporary urban and landscape planning and design.

Jared J. Wesley is adjunct professor of Political Science at the University of Alberta, adjunct professor of Political Studies at the University of Manitoba, and Director of Federal/Provincial Relations with the Government of Alberta. His most recent title is Code Politics: Campaigns and Cultures on the Canadian Prairies.

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.