Rooster Town Online Archive

The Rooster Town Online Archive is a repository of research collected over several years and used toward publication of Rooster Town: The History of an Urban Métis Community, 1901–1961, written by Evelyn Peters, Matthew Stock, and Adrian Werner, with Lawrie Barkwell.

This website brings to the general audience, and interested researchers, the materials produced after exhaustive research in the provincial and city archives; after consultation of government documents, censuses, assessment rolls, voters’ lists, and Henderson’s Directories; and most importantly after interviews and conversations with descendants of Rooster Town residents.

Supplementing the current limited archive, the maps produced by Adrian Werner, and lists documenting Rooster Town’s populations changes, detail the physical mobility of Rooster Town householders, and of the whole community, as it changed over sixty years, and as its residents maneuvered the southwestern edge of growing Winnipeg, including the city’s infrastructure and the municipal bureaucracy.

Included family trees also depict the kinship networks at the centre of the Rooster Town community, while the available photographs offer a glimpse into the everyday as well as special events of the Rooster Town residents.

If you have any additional historical documents or photographs relating to Rooster Town that could become part of this collection, please contact Sarah Ens, Promotions and Publicity Coordinator for University of Manitoba Press, at [email protected].

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.