Growing Community Forests

Practice, Research, and Advocacy in Canada

Ryan Bullock (Editor), Gayle Broad (Editor), Lynn Palmer (Editor), M.A. (Peggy) Smith (Editor)


Canada is experiencing an unparalleled crisis involving forests and communities across the country. While municipalities, policy makers, and industry leaders acknowledge common challenges such as an overdependence on US markets, rising energy costs, and lack of diversification, no common set of solutions has been developed and implemented. Ongoing and at times contentious public debate has revealed an appetite and need for a fundamental rethinking of the relationships that link our communities, governments, industrial partners, and forests towards a more sustainable future.

The creation of community forests is one path that promises to build resilience in forest communities and ecosystems. This model provides local control over common forest lands in order to activate resource development opportunities, benefits, and social responsibilities. Implementing community forestry in practice has proven to be a complex task, however: there are no road maps or well-developed and widely-tested models for community forestry in Canada. But in settings where community forests have taken hold, there is a rich and growing body of experience to draw on.

The contributors to Growing Community Forests include leading researchers, practitioners, Indigenous representatives, government representatives, local advocates, and students who are actively engaged in sharing experiences, resources, and tools of significance to forest resource communities, policy makers, and industry.

About the Authors

Ryan Bullock is a Canada Research Chair in Human-Environment Interactions and associate professor, Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, at the University of Winnipeg. He is also the director of the Centre for Forest Interdisciplinary Research.

Gayle Broad is an Associate Professor, Community Economic and Social Development program, and Director of Research, NORDIK Institute, Algoma University.

Lynn Palmer is a PhD candidate, Faculty of Natural Resources Management, Lakehead University.

Peggy Smith is an Associate Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources Management, Interim Vice-Provost (Aboriginal Initiatives), Lakehead University.

Other contributors: Gayle Broad, Ryan Bullock, Giuliana Casimirri, Annette Chretien, Peter Duinker, Felicitas Egunyu, Tracy Glynn, Jennifer Gunter, Shashi Kant, Colin Lachance. Julia Lawler, Erik Leslie, Kris MacLellan, Grant Morin, Susan Mulkey, Brenda Murphy, Lynn Palmer, Maureen Reed, David Robinson, Peggy Smith, Sara Teitelbaum

Table of Contents

Growing Community Forests: An Introduction

PART 1: Advancing Forest Governance through Collaborative Networking

Ch. 1—Characterizing Institutional Diversity in Canada’s Community Forests
Ch. 2—Transformative Community Organizing for Community Forests: The Northern Ontario Sustainable Communities Partnership
Ch. 3—Thirty Years of Community Forestry in Ontario: Bridging the Gap Between Communities and Forestry
Ch. 4—Factors Affecting Success in a First Nation, Government, and Forest Industry Collaborative Process
Ch. 5—Northeast Superior Regional Chiefs’ Forum (NSRCF): A Community Forestry Framework Development Process
Ch. 6—The Local Trap and Community Forest Policy in Nova Scotia: Pitfalls and Promise
Ch. 7—Community Forestry on the Cusp of Reality in New Brunswick

PART 2: Fostering Community Capacity, Enterprise, and Diversification

Ch. 8—The British Columbia Community Forest Association: Realizing Strength in Regional Networking
Ch. 9—Harrop-Procter Community Forest: Learning How to Manage Forest Resources at the Community Level
Ch. 10—Fire and Water: Climate Change Adaptation in the Harrop-Procter Community Forest
Ch. 11—Maple Syrup Value Systems and Value Chains: Considering Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Perspectives
Ch. 12—The Economic Advantage of Community Forestry

Conclusion: Lessons from Community Forestry Practice, Research, and Advocacy

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.