Laws of Early Iceland

Gragas II

Andrew Dennis (Translator), Peter Foote (Translator)


The laws of Mediaeval Iceland provide detailed and fascinating insight into the society that produced the Icelandic sagas. Known collectively as Gragas (Greygoose), this great legal code offers a wealth of information about early European legal systems and the society of the Middles Ages. This first translation of Gragas is in two volumes.


“An amazing social document … that is the blueprint for an unprecedented social experiment. … An example of scholarship of the highest order.”

American Journal of Legal History

About the Authors

Andrew Dennis has taught English at the University of Iceland and both English and Law at the University of Canterbury, Chirstchurch, where he is at present Senior Lecturer in Law.

Peter Foote is Professor of Old Icelandic at University College London.

Table of Contents


The Codex Regius of Gragas in Translation II
- Table 1 An outline of the Inheritance Sequence
- Inheritance Section
- Dependents Section
- Betrothals Section
- Table 2 Kindred and Affinity
- Land claims Section
- On Hire of Property
- Searches Section
- On Commune Obligations
- Miscellaneous Articles
- On Tithe Payment

Guide to Technical Vocabulary
Annotated Glossary
A Selection of Terms Normally Used as Equivalents
Sources, Editions, Translations, Concordances
Abbreviated Titles
Key to Material Included or Cited from Sources Other Than Konungsbok
Terms and Topics Commented on in Notes to the Translations
Index of Names
Corrigenda et Addenda to Laws I

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.