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Crystal Gail Fraser

Crystal Gail Fraser is Gwicyà Gwich’in and has Scottish and English ancestry. Originally from Inuvik and Dachan Choo Gę̀hnjik (Tree River), Northwest Territories, Crystal works as a historian and Indigenous studies scholar in the amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) region, on Treaty 6 and Métis Lands.

By Strength, We Are Still Here

Indigenous Peoples and Indian Residential Schooling in Inuvik, Northwest Territories

Crystal Gail Fraser (Author)

In this ground-breaking book, Crystal Gail Fraser draws on Gwitch’in concepts of individual and collective fortitude to illuminate student experiences in northern residential schools. Led by survivor testimony, Fraser shows how both students and their parents played a role in changing the system to protect and empower their communities.

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.