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Jim Blanchard

Jim Blanchard is a retired academic librarian and Librarian Emeritus of the University of Manitoba. He has worked in public libraries, the library of the Canadian Grain Commission, and was the Director of Public Library Services for Manitoba.

A Diminished Roar

Winnipeg in the 1920s

Jim Blanchard (Author)

The third instalment in Jim Blanchard’s popular history of early Winnipeg, A Diminished Roar guides readers through the prairie city in 1920s, a decade of political and social turmoil.

Winnipeg's Great War

A City Comes of Age

Jim Blanchard (Author)

Winnipeg’s Great War picks up in 1914, just as the city is regrouping after a brief economic downturn. Using letters, diaries, and newspaper reports, Jim Blanchard brings us into the homes and public offices of Winnipeg and its citizens to illustrate the profound effect the war had on every aspect of the city.

Jim Blanchard (Author)

Winnipeg 1912 visits the public and private side of the “Chicago of the North.” Jim Blanchard looks into the opulent mansions of the city’s new elite and into its political backrooms, as well as into the crowded homes of Winnipeg’s immigrant North End, giving us a vivid picture of daily life in this fast-paced city of new millionaires and newly arrived immigrants. Richly illustrated with more than seventy period photographs, Winnipeg 1912 captures a time and place that left a lasting impression on Canadian history and culture.

A Thousand Miles of Prairie

The Manitoba Historical Society and the History of Western Canada

Jim Blanchard (Editor)

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.