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Serena Keshavjee

Serena Keshavjee grew up in Kenya and Toronto and now lives in Winnipeg, where she teaches modern art and architecture at the University of Winnipeg. Her academic research focuses on the intersection of art and science in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Art of Ectoplasm

Encounters with Winnipeg's Ghost Photographs

Serena Keshavjee (Editor)

The Art of Ectoplasm reflects on the history and legacy of T.G. and Lillian Hamilton's extraordinary collection of paranormal photographs, which have inspired and perplexed academics, historians, and artists since their creation a century ago, and offers a compelling look at a chapter in social history not entirely unlike our own.

Winnipeg Modern

Architecture, 1945 to 1975

Serena Keshavjee (Editor)

A vivid, stylish, and fascinating look at internationally acclaimed architects and their work in Winnipeg.


Diana Thorneycroft

Serena Keshavjee (Editor), Diana Thorneycroft (Artist)

University of Manitoba Press is grateful for the support it receives for its publishing program from the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund; the Canada Council for the Arts; the Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage, and Tourism; the Manitoba Arts Council; and the Aid to Scholarly Publishing Programme.