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Indigenous Studies

Power Struggles

Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec

Thibault Martin (Editor), Steven M. Hoffman (Editor)

Power Struggles: Hydro Development and First Nations in Manitoba and Quebec examines the evolution of new agreements between First Nations and Inuit and the hydro corporations in Quebec and Manitoba, including the Wuskwatim Dam Project, Paix des Braves, and the Great Whale Project.

Magic Weapons

Aboriginal Writers Remaking Community after Residential School

Sam McKegney (Author), Basil Johnston (Foreword)

Magic Weapons is the first major survey of Indigenous writings on the residential school system, and provides groundbreaking readings of life writings by Rita Joe (Mi’kmaq) and Anthony Apakark Thrasher (Inuit) as well as in-depth critical studies of better known life writings by Basil Johnston (Ojibway) and Tomson Highway (Cree).

The New Buffalo

The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education

Blair Stonechild (Author)

In The New Buffalo, Blair Stonechild traces the history of Aboriginal post-secondary education policy from its earliest beginnings as a government tool for assimilation and cultural suppression to its development as means of Aboriginal self-determination and self-government.

Like the Sound of a Drum

Aboriginal Cultural Politics in Denendeh and Nunavut

Peter Kulchyski (Author)

In Like the Sound of a Drum, Peter Kulchyski looks as three northern communities—Fort Simpson and Fort Good Hope in Denendeh and Pangnirtung in Nunavut—and their strategies for maintaining their political and cultural independence.

Arapaho Historical Traditions


Alonzo Moss, Sr. (Author), Andrew Cowell (Translator)

Told by Paul Moss (1911-1995), these twelve texts introduce us to an immensely rich literature. Here, for the first time, these outstanding examples of Arapaho accounts are printed in their original language but made accessible to a wider audience through English translation and an Arapaho-English glossary.

Travelling Knowledges

Positioning the Im/Migrant Reader of Aboriginal Literatures in Canada

Renate Eigenbrod (Author)

The boundary between an Aboriginal text and the analysis by a non-Aboriginal outsider poses particular challenges often constructed as unbridgeable. Eigenbrod argues that politically correct silence is not the answer but instead does a disservice to the literature that, like all literature, depends on being read, taught, and disseminated.

A Very Remarkable Sickness

Epidemics in the Petit Nord, 1670 to 1846

Paul Hackett (Author)

Preserving the Sacred

Historical Perspectives on the Ojibwa Midewiwin

Michael Angel (Author)

Muskekowuck Athinuwick

Original People of the Great Swampy Land

Victor P. Lytwyn (Author)

In Order to Live Untroubled

Inuit of the Central Artic 1550 to 1940

Renee Fossett (Author)

They Knew Both Sides of Medicine

Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew

H.C. Wolfart (Translator), Freda Ahenakew (Translator)

Written in original Cree text with a full English translation, They Knew both Sides of Medicine also includes an introduction discussing the historical background of the narrative and its style and rhetorical structure, as well as a complete Cree-English glossary.

Night Spirits

The Story of the Relocation of the Sayisi Dene

Ila Bussidor (Author), Ustun Bilgen-Reinart (Author)

For over 1500 years, the Sayisi Dene, 'The Dene from the East,' led an independent life, following the caribou herds and having little contact with white society. In 1956, an arbitrary government decision to relocate them catapulted the Sayisi Dene into the 20th century.

A National Crime

The Canadian Government and the Residential School System

John S. Milloy (Author)

Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw (As told by), Freda Ahenakew (Editor), H.C. Wolfart (Editor)

Jim Ka-Nipitehtew was a respected Cree Elder from Onion Lake, Saskatchewan, who spoke only Cree and provided these original counselling discourses. The book offers the speeches in Cree syllabics and in Roman Orthography as well as an English translation and commentary.

River Road

Essays on Manitoba and Prairie History

Gerald Friesen (Author)

Women of the First Nations

Power, Wisdom, and Strength

Christine Miller (Editor), Patricia Chuchryk (Editor)

This collection counters the marginalization and silencing of First Nations women's voices and reflects the power, strength, and wisdom inherent in their lives.

Severing the Ties that Bind

Government Repression of Indigenous Religious Ceremonies on the Prairies

Katherine Pettipas (Author)

As Long as the Rivers Run

Hydroelectric Development and Native Communities

James B. Waldram (Author)