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Rural Life

Portraits of the Prairie Town, 1946

James P. Giffen (Author), Gerald Friesen (Editor)

Formidable Heritage

Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development

Jim Mochoruk (Author)

For many politicians and developers, "to make something" of the North came to mean thinking of the North as an empty hinterland waiting to be exploited, and today, hydroelectric projects, mining, milling, pulp and paper, and other industries have changed much of the North beyond recognition.

Reporting the Resistance

Alexander Begg and Joseph Hargrave on the Red River Resistance

J.M. Bumsted (Editor)

Reporting the Resistance brings together two first-person accounts to give a view "from the ground" of the developments in 1869 and 1870 that shocked Canada and created the province of Manitoba.

Providence Watching

Journeys from Wartorn Poland to the Canadian Prairies

Kazimierz Patalas (Editor), Zbigniew Izydorczyk (Translator), Daniel Stone (Introduction)

Making Ends Meet

Farm Women's Work in Manitoba

Charlotte van de Vorst (Author)

A Very Remarkable Sickness

Epidemics in the Petit Nord, 1670 to 1846

Paul Hackett (Author)

A Thousand Miles of Prairie

The Manitoba Historical Society and the History of Western Canada

Jim Blanchard (Editor)

Icelanders in North America

The First Settlers

Jonas Thor (Author)

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, thousands of Icelanders emigrated to North and South America. Using letters, Icelandic and English periodicals and newspapers, and census reports, Jonas Thor offers a detailed social history of the Icelanders in North America, from the first settlement in Utah to the struggle in New Iceland.

Preserving the Sacred

Historical Perspectives on the Ojibwa Midewiwin

Michael Angel (Author)

Muskekowuck Athinuwick

Original People of the Great Swampy Land

Victor P. Lytwyn (Author)

Hidden Worlds

Revisiting the Mennonite Migrants of the 1870s

Royden Loewen (Author)

In the 1870s, approximately 18,000 Mennonites migrated from present-day Ukraine to the North American grasslands. In Hidden Worlds, Royden Loewen illuminates the ways they adapted to the New World, including new concepts of social boundary and community, and new strategies of land ownership and legacy.

The University of Manitoba

An Illustrated History

J.M. Bumsted (Author)

In Order to Live Untroubled

Inuit of the Central Artic 1550 to 1940

Renee Fossett (Author)

Toward Defining the Prairies

Region, Culture, and History

Robert Wardhaugh (Editor)

They Knew Both Sides of Medicine

Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing Told by Alice Ahenakew

H.C. Wolfart (Translator), Freda Ahenakew (Translator)

Written in original Cree text with a full English translation, They Knew both Sides of Medicine also includes an introduction discussing the historical background of the narrative and its style and rhetorical structure, as well as a complete Cree-English glossary.

Thomas Scott's Body

And Other Essays on Early Manitoba History

J.M. Bumsted (Author)

Andrew Dennis (Translator), Peter Foote (Translator)

Mac Runciman

A Life in the Grain Trade

Paul D. Earl (Author), Gerald Friesen (Introduction)

Mac Runciman: A Life in the Grain Trade tells the story of how Runciman rose through the ranks of the UGG to play a central role in the fierce debates over the modernization of grain handling, subsidized freight rates, and the role of The Canadian Wheat Board.