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Mac Runciman

A Life in the Grain Trade

Paul D. Earl (Author), Gerald Friesen (Introduction)

Mac Runciman: A Life in the Grain Trade tells the story of how Runciman rose through the ranks of the UGG to play a central role in the fierce debates over the modernization of grain handling, subsidized freight rates, and the role of The Canadian Wheat Board.

Night Spirits

The Story of the Relocation of the Sayisi Dene

Ila Bussidor (Author), Ustun Bilgen-Reinart (Author)

For over 1500 years, the Sayisi Dene, 'The Dene from the East,' led an independent life, following the caribou herds and having little contact with white society. In 1956, an arbitrary government decision to relocate them catapulted the Sayisi Dene into the 20th century.

J.M. Bumsted (Author)

Manitoba Medicine

A Brief History

Ian Carr (Author), Robert E. Beamish (Author)

For many Canadians, the state of our health care and medical system is at the top of the public agenda. By following the growth and development of modern medicine in one Canadian province, Manitoba Medicine provides an insight into where our present medical system came from and how it developed.

From the Inside Out

The Rural Worlds of Mennonite Diarists

Royden Loewen (Editor)

A National Crime

The Canadian Government and the Residential School System

John S. Milloy (Author)

Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw (As told by), Freda Ahenakew (Editor), H.C. Wolfart (Editor)

Jim Ka-Nipitehtew was a respected Cree Elder from Onion Lake, Saskatchewan, who spoke only Cree and provided these original counselling discourses. The book offers the speeches in Cree syllabics and in Roman Orthography as well as an English translation and commentary.

The Organ in Manitoba

A History of the Instruments, the Builders, and the Players

James B. Hartman (Author)

Pipe organs were once a central (and sometimes hotly debated) part of Manitoba's cultural life. The Organ in Manitoba portrays that history—the instruments, builders, players and critics—from the date of the earliest known installations to the 1990s

River Road

Essays on Manitoba and Prairie History

Gerald Friesen (Author)

Severing the Ties that Bind

Government Repression of Indigenous Religious Ceremonies on the Prairies

Katherine Pettipas (Author)

The Iron Rose

The Extraordinary Life of Charlotte Ross, MD

Fred Edge (Author)

Tell the Driver

A Biography of Elinor F.E. Black, MD

Julie Vandervoort (Author)

Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada

Historical and Legal Aspects

Kerry Abel (Editor), Jean Friesen (Editor)

The Plains Cree

Trade, Diplomacy, and War, 1790 to 1870

John S. Milloy (Author)

The first economic, military, and diplomatic history of the Plains Cree from contact with the Europeans in the 1670s to the disappearance of the buffalo from Cree lands by the 1870s, focussing on military and trade relations between 1790 and 1870.

Monuments to Faith

Ukrainian Churches in Manitoba

Basil Rotoff (Author), Roman Yereniuk (Author), Stella Hryniuk (Author)

In this richly illustrated volume, the authors trace the continuity of tradition in achitecture, art, and community life from Ukraine to the parishes of the Manitoba prairie.

Marilyn Baker (Author)

Morris Mott (Author), John Allardyce (Author)

The major themes in this volume are the rise of Winnipeg to world curling prominence in the nineteenth century and the persistence of that prominence in the twentieth.